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Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy

Solanki Construction is committed to a policy of safe working conditions and practices, for all persons on sites in full compliance with contractual, relevant UAE federal laws, local stationary requirement and industry standards.

The Company is committed to take all necessary actions to promote good health and prevent accidents, injuries and any adverse effects on its employees, equipment and the physical environment in which its activities are carried out.

The company will care for the environment through its commitment to good environmental practices. It will also aim to reduce the health, safety and environmental impact of its activities and prevent pollution, by utilizing a structured risk management approach, taking into consideration the needs of its employees, customers, subcontractors, and the community at large.

This commitment to Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is communicated to all employees and subcontractors by prominent display of the policy in project sites & oflces, handbooks and during induction training.

The General Manger with other members of the management board, have the overall responsibility for HSE management, and giving equal priority to HSE along with other business issues and provision of adequate resources. However, it is the responsibility of all managers, engineers, supervisors and workforce to understand their role in implementing this policy with all requirements.

The management believe that effective management of health,safety and environment issue is fundamental to success, and it is therefore committed to continuously improve the performance of the HSE Management System through setting of objectives and targets, periodic audits, necessary training, encourage new ideas, employee participation, co-ordination with customers and subcontractor.

This policy is subjected to review once every two years.